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How I “cope” with my abundant life.

August 14, 2021

August 13, 2021 I no longer fight this aspect about myself nor wish things were different. When energy leaves, we seek to fill it – whether it be good or bad energy, we fill space when absent of it. Awareness is the first step in recognizing what needs to shift in order to redirect a more purposeful life.…

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Adapt or Die.

September 13, 2020

I hosted an impromptu dance party in my home gym tonight. It was hilarious. We blasted the music as each son led their own dance move, which we all followed until we transitioned to the next one. Between Netflix shows, distance learning, outdoor hikes and late night swimming – we’ve really come closer as a family since we started to quarantine in March. I remember counting down the weeks when it all first began. I watched in fear as celebrities…

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Raising Entrepreneurs.

January 28, 2020

Beyond being a #noexcusemom, I am a mom. My goal is to raise hardworking, humble and heart-centered human beings. I constantly ask myself, “am I preparing them enough for the real world?” My middle man, who is often the most money-savvy, has asked me how he can make money outside of waiting for the next birthday to arrive. He thought of selling cookies, which makes sense since we have done that in the past together. He created a business plan…

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My goal for 2020

December 29, 2019

Every year I go on a one-day-escape. I look forward this quiet time nearly the whole month of December when I am drained by parties, presents and people. I am ‘one of those moms’…who bake for the whole neighborhood, who buys presents for every teacher, employee, NEM leader, family, friend, and carehome resident, who have two (soon to be three) kinds of Christmas trees and mail hundreds of Christmas cards. I am an overachiever through and through. I remember saving…

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My Flat Belly Ball Infomercial

May 19, 2019

May 19, 2019 I filmed my first infomercial for the Flat Belly Ball a few days ago. It was exciting to walk through halls lined with images of iconic TV brands like Jack Lalanne’s juicer, the ab roller, genie bra and copper chef. As I stepped onto my set, a clean room with a gym-like atmosphere and my large logo, I got excited. Really, really excited. It’s been exactly seven years since I first drew the image of the Belly…

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For Thy Will Be Done…

January 31, 2019

Yesterday I had a bad day. It was one of those days when you go to pick up a fancy dress you bought months in advance for this weekend and the store where you got it hemmed says CLOSED until Feb 16th. I know. Hard to relate to – but you can understand the shock, annoyance, and anxiety, especially after running around for the past several days up-to-my-neck busy. I finally let out a cry. A really good one I…

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Are you a Leader?

October 30, 2018

I think most people want to be a leader. The title evokes feelings of respect, honor and integrity.  It means you give direction, provide hope, instill faith and clear the path for others. While many want to be, not many can be. Think about someone asking you to become a manager at your job. You’ve seen what managers go through. They don’t get paid substantially more but their hours and commitment rise. People start having more public opinions of you…

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When it all Falls Down

September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018 I cried three times yesterday. I was tired. I was premenstrual. I was frustrated. But most of all, I was disappointed because something I vied for, didn’t come into fruition. It was a hard blow. A hard No. A self-reflecting realization that I wasn’t good enough – at least not this time, and perhaps every other time I sought something and ‘failed’.  As I was sitting in my office, hands over eyes, holding back tears and asking…

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Hacking the Laws of Motion

June 19, 2018

June 18, 2018 Late December, right after Christmas, I locked myself in a hotel room, sat in silence for hours, reflected on the past year and set goals for 2018. With my mom-entrepreneur friend, Karie, we took 10 minute breaks and opened the door to our neighboring rooms every few hours to share snacks, notes and ideas. Hard to believe that mommy lockdown was just six months ago. Since then, in January I guested on the Today Show in New…

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The Heart of a No Excuse Mom Leader

August 29, 2017

August 29, 2017 Not everyone can be a leader. It takes drive, discipline, commitment and work. Above all, being a leader is self-sacrificing. Just like a parent, no one will ever know what you do to maintain and build the household. It takes perspective, vision and faith to operate your world, keep everyone focused, promote progression and encourage connection on a weekly basis. It’s a seemingly thankless job, a role that requires you to seek reward in your internal satisfaction…

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