I hosted an impromptu dance party in my home gym tonight. It was hilarious. We blasted the music as each son led their own dance move, which we all followed until we transitioned to the next one. Between Netflix shows, distance learning, outdoor hikes and late night swimming – we’ve really come closer as a family since we started to quarantine in March.
I remember counting down the weeks when it all first began. I watched in fear as celebrities and people around me started testing positive for Covid-19. Then, I watched in shock as BLM protests educated our country on systematic racism, but also destroyed businesses and friendships. Then the world started burning around me, literally. The air is so dense and polluted from the surrounding wildfires – right when we were praying for normalcy and one break in 2020 – it didn’t happen.
Earlier this year I began performing home dialysis to my mother several times a week. While working, I also sat across from my youngest child who needs hand holding while distance learning. This year I experienced my mother-in-law moving to CA, while my stepdaughter deciding to move out of it. Recently my time has been occupied as I intervened with a loved one, whom I was hoping would seek treatment for drug use.
My husband is designing a new software. We are building a new carehome. I am still operating No Excuse Moms, a nonprofit program under Fitness without Borders, and somehow – I have found time to continue posting on Facebook, Instagram and my newfound fun place, Tik Tok.
I say all this to make my life current right now.
Right now, it is Sunday. I used to write a weekly blog on Sunday. I miss writing, the way I wrote when I began this blog 15 years in San Francisco. I was 25 then, no family, no responsibilities, no anything – really. I loved the silence then and I’m learning to live in that silence now.
Despite the kids playing, yelling and running all the time, without the traveling, events and sports errands…it’s been getting pretty quiet in my world. After years of trying, I’m sleeping earlier and getting up, early! I’m organizing areas of my household and depending on my husband more for love, support and friendship. I spend a lot of time with my mom. I share funny memes with my closer relationship with my sisters on chat. I have more dance parties (even though they’ve always existed) and I cook, A LOT.
This year will not be the year of cancelled plans, annoying restrictions, unbreathable air or challenging people – it will be the year I adjust, adapt and evolve with the times. Resilience will save us this year and every year of our life. You either Adapt or Die. You can’t complain of things you can’t change, nor do you have to accept it truly…you just find another way and adjust so you can Keep. Moving. Forward.

In Tahoe with my stepdaughter!

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