This Too Shall Pass…

June 25, 2015

June 24, 2015

There have been varying levels of busy-ness in my life – none that I am proud of as I don’t equate being busy with being important or doing something of value – but I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever felt the pressure I feel these days to perform until every ounce of energy has been sucked dry.

In the past couple months since I took a hiatus from writing journals online, I have been traveling to fitness expos, moving homes, and building a new elderly care business while operating a household and caretaking the children.  At the end of each day I don’t have any mental might to write an inspiring journal entry or even finish reading the book I started 7 months ago. I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t say what was on my mind…that I was really, really tired. That sometimes I feel like I scream more than speak sweetly to my children. That my tummy feels bloated from stress, watermelon, and even green beans! I don’t want to complain. I don’t want to focus on negativity or feel paralyzed by my to-do list. I don’t want to hesitate, not for a single moment, because doubt will create fear, fear will create mistakes and mistakes will lead to failure.

And I can’t fail.

I have to make it to school, sports practices and games across town. I must send out emails, return phone calls and attend meetings.  I need to finish payroll, update projects and record podcasts. I will stop at the bank, post office, care home and grocery store within a 40 minute period. And I will commit to my No Excuse Mom workouts, family events and school field trips. After each commute, I will clean out my car of crumbs, trash and toys. At the end of each day, I will shower tweeze my eyebrows, apply moisturizer and use eye cream.  After every bedtime story, the laundry will run, the dishwasher will be loaded and I…I will be here, answering emails, updating projects and (hopefully) writing a long, overdue journal entry.

I can’t fail because my employees, my nonprofit organization and my children depend on me to follow through. Every. Single. Day is about following through. It’s getting from Point A to B, without excuses. Just get it done.

People develop strength from pain….from pushing themselves, from testing their limits and getting mentally, physically and spiritually fatigued by the process. Do I want balance, sure. But there is nothing balanced about getting to a new life destination. In order to move out of complacency, you need to break the routine, challenge your life’s status quo and move away from homeostasis. When the dust rises and your world is in motion, you may not see your destination or feel stable in this journey, but eventually you will stop. The dust will settle. And you will find balance again.

As Greek Philosopher Heraclitus said, there is nothing constant but change.

Even when we think nothing changes, life is constantly moving. Our skin cells are renewing, our taste buds are regenerating, our children are growing, our earth is moving and our life is evolving. Control, stability and permanence is an illusion.

This is why I work hard, play hard and live hard. This sprint won’t last long. The quiet moments won’t last long either (and I’ve had those too!) And this life…this life will not last long either.

Live life full force, without regret and with incredible passion. Don’t just be busy moving, be busy living your life to the fullest. Everything will pass – and this moment, this crazy, busy moment in my life….this will pass too.

With one of my favorite photographers, Carol Shank in my new kitchen. After eight years, we finally purchased our first home!

“How to Build your Brand” – great educational session at the San Jose Fit Expo!

I always enjoy connecting with NEMs (No Excuse Moms) everywhere! Join your local group by searching here: We will be in Anaheim in August!


Forever proud! Here’s our group in Sierra Vista, AZ!


  • Reply Brittany June 25, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    Maria! I totally
    Related to everything you shared! All
    I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to share with us your life, your experiences, your struggles, your joy and all that sits in between! We all have so much in common but sometimes we think we are the only ones…thank you for reminding us we are all in this together! Love your spirit 🙂

  • Reply Shelly June 25, 2015 at 7:56 pm

    It sounds as if you need a part time assistant. You do know that you can be so busy that you miss the most important things in life.

  • Reply Melissa Steele June 25, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    You are an inspiration to all of us! Whenever you decide to venture out to my area (Valencia, CA) I’m on board! Thank you for this post.

  • Reply KJ June 26, 2015 at 3:37 pm

    I LOVE this… Amen and AMEN!

    This is why I work hard, play hard and live hard. This sprint won’t last long. The quiet moments won’t last long either (and I’ve had those too!) And this life…this life will not last long either.

    Live life full force, without regret and with incredible passion. Don’t just be busy moving, be busy living your life to the fullest. Everything will pass – and this moment, this crazy, busy moment in my life….this will pass too.

    • Reply Harisa June 26, 2015 at 5:49 pm

      YESSSS!!!! I NEEDED THIS! I feel I am in the same boat these days… I don’t feel so alone now. Just this past week I started a teaching credential program that required me to quit my job due to the strenuous schedule/hours of the classes. I am struggling to adjust to 6 hour classes 5 days a week and finding time for myself, fitting in a workout and making time for family. I feel overwhlemed, stressed and doubtful of whether or not I will make a good teacher. But reading this entry was so refreshing, a great reminder that this is life, and it may be hard now, but all worth it in the future! To get better, to get from A to B we must MOVE and just do it! EVERYDAY! now, LETS DO THIS!!! Thanks Maria!!!

  • Reply Erynn Hopper June 26, 2015 at 7:28 pm

    Do you ever wish you weren’t so driven?

    I know that’s a weird question, but sometimes I feel so compelled to accomplish so much (for myself, my family, God, my job, etc.) that I am frustrated by people not equally driven.

    I just look at people relaxing, playing games, getting some down time, and think “Why aren’t you working as hard as I am?!” I literally told my husband recently “No one works as hard as I do.” Aside from the fact that it’s clearly not true, my point with the comment as that sometimes I feel so compelled to excel that it is a lonely place to be.

  • Reply sophia January 23, 2016 at 4:28 pm

    Wow Maria,
    I used to like you, but you fall from grace when you posted that you will miss your body more than you will miss your children when you grow old. That’s really sad, you have them young for a short period of time, make them your priority for a change. you are burning your self and proving you can do it all, and where are they in your Agenda.
    I un followed you as your comments about life priority and what’s important always miss your three boys. SO sad.
    It amazes me when you say I have no time, yet you find a time to reply to way too many comments on your facebook, where do you find the time? you probably will find time to reply to me too.
    Social Media is not real, you children are real, they need you to be with them not running with your errands and obligation you put your self in. Why everyone doesn’t see that?
    then you burned out and shut your self from all media, that will keep happening until you see what you are really missing in life.
    From a mother of a beautiful boy to you as a mother, give time to your kids, they are your life.

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