Top 6 ways use MYSPACE to launch your FITNESS CAREER

June 26, 2007

I am re-posting a really cool article I wrote a ways back about marketing your brand called “ME” on myspace!

I thought about this idea when I was reading’s Tips on using myspace to ‘launch a career’. While the title interested me, I thought their tips were pretty scant in regards to being ‘different’ from other pieces of advice out there – especially since anyone can post a resume on yahoo jobs or hot jobs or anywhere else that accepts online resumes.

Personally, most of my jobs have come from networks of people who were in the industry I wanted to be in. It is also a place where you build your ‘referral’ base. DO NOT THINK for a second that HR and future bosses don’t check your space out. THEY DO.

If you are a myspace person and are wondering how to ‘get in’ with the ‘right’ people and the ‘right’ company – then read on!

1. First set up an account. It’s easy. Click here.

2. Build your profile symbolically by showing your passion, background and interest in fitness.

3. Post Pictures that positively represent which part of the industry you want to attract. For example –

– if you are a hot, sexy, fit model, then post pictures that will attract lesions of fans, photographers and business’ who will want to market you.

– if you are a serious competitor, post your competition pics and the supplements you use…DEFINITELY be a spokesperson for the supplement company you want to attract prior to actually being sponsored or working for them. That will give you tons of kudos!

4. Make Friends with those in the same industry and WRITE TO THEM. Find mentors and role models. Myspace is different from personal websites because this is still regarded as a ‘friendship’ network and not a ‘website’ where you don’t know if the person even reads your emails.

5. Be laser focused and have defined intentions when you are playing on myspace. It is very easy to become distracted. Make sure you are answering emails, writing emails, posting comments and updating your space as needed. Always think of the long term goal when undergoing any action.

6. Give before you receive – be a ‘value’ in someone’s life and not someone who just wants to ‘take’ information, industry secrets and network of friends. People of influence deal with those people all the time, so its absolutely necessary to set yourself apart by being honest, appreciative, and sincere.

Make it work FOR YOU. Do something productive people!!!

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