Mommy Fitness Blog: stomach flu’s, headaches and WORK.

September 3, 2010

Usually my favorite part of the day is when I get to sleep at night – but lately, I’ve been sleeping in Christian’s bed with him as he has been sick these past few days with the stomach flu. Days before he was vomitting, last night he had a huge fever. While he can be a bit fatigued and whiny during the day – all in all, he seems completely normal during the day time. No diarrhea today so far!  Thank God as we are leaving tomorrow on a trip and I can’t imagine having a sick baby on a plane!

Every week seems to go by so incredibly fast. Every day there is something new, something extra or something urgent that needs attending to! Right now is my last day here so I am trying to get all my work done for next week finished now. That includes payroll, grocery shopping, scheduling, etc. I am also delegating responsibilities, which is really tough for me to do as most know, I am A CONTROL FREAK.

I was doing really good with my workouts initially. I was gone all last weekend for business and met up with a girlfriend to do a stair workout on Sunday. (I RARELY workout on Sundays) then on Monday I went running, Tuesday I had my mom-me club, Wednesday I did stairclimbing – but yesterday I had to take a break.  (Today is Friday) On Thursday I woke up at 3am and was awake all up until 11pm. It was a crazy, crazy day. I haven’t been performing weights this week because I have a hard time getting to the gym so I do what I can in a home enviroment. This is what it means to have to reschedule your life because your baby is sick! Today I am hoping to get to the gym for a bit while David watches the boys this evening. We will see. As much as I want to look great for our trip, I guess I’m at a point where I know I’m eating well, probably not enough – and that there isn’t much that will change physically with me by tomorrow. I workout MOSTLY BECAUSE OF THE MENTAL effect it has one me.

I just feel better when I train.

Right now I have a headache. I am praying that its from sleepless nights with the baby or Christian’s annoying 30 minute long cry when he doesn’t get what he wants. I REALLY don’t want to get sick!!! I’ve been trying everything to prevent me or the rest of the family on getting sick. Not only that, but I started bleeding (down there. sorry boys who read this.) And it’s abnormal as it’s not part of my cycle? So that’s been a bit frustrating.

My goal while gone is to eat as best I can – to stay active with recreational activities. I don’t want to focus on working out unless they have a gym at the hotel. Otherewise, it’s all about vacation baby!

In the photos below I am training with Mona Liza Reyes on the “stairway to Heaven”.  The other shot, taken 1o minutes ago, was in my guest bathroom. I was trying on my new Victoria’s Secret Bikini for my vacation. Personally, I will NEVER buy from them again. I bought 4 bikinis and while it looks great in photos, they all feel like they will fall apart when they hit the water. I am ten pounds away from my goal weight. Here I am posing 4.5 months post-preggers!



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