40-Minute Full Body Home Workout

November 5, 2012

Here’s a “No Excuse” full body workout that focuses on your core, cardio and strength training. I performed this today with my friend Alma at my casa with just a jumprope and a set of 10lb dumb bells.

40 minute whole body home workout

Tools: jump rope, 10lb dumb bells

Warm- up
10 burpees
1 minute jump rope
* 30 second break
15 burpees
1 minute jump rope
*30 second break
20 burpees
1 minute jump rope
*30 second break

– Just 4 exercises total (FOCUS!)
– 30-45 second breaks

#1   3×15 Single arm lunge dumb bell press (15 each side)
Drop set: add 5- 10 stationary presses after set
#2   3×20 pushups
#3 3×12 stationary squat bicep curl
Superset 1 minute jumping rope
#4 3 sets total: 1 minute plank superset w/ 1 minute superman


I just took this picture on my iphone to symbolize "home workout"! LOL.


  • Reply full-body workouts November 15, 2012 at 10:32 am

    yours blogs is very inserting and attractive . this bogs shears many healthy information for me and everyone. thanks for shearing.

  • Reply Susan burke December 31, 2013 at 9:49 pm

    When is your workout DVD coming out? The calendar is so nice, ignore all the haters and just know that all of you are strong and beautiful inspirational women. Keep it up

  • Reply Gabri January 27, 2014 at 8:41 am

    Ti seguo dall’italia… non sono MAMMA…… ma una donna che di rispetta e per questo mi sono fissata degli OBBIETTIVI… mi sei di ispirazione!

  • Reply Minisha March 27, 2014 at 7:06 pm

    I am currently going through a crisis. We have invested all our money in my husband’s business which has failed. I am 33, a working mother with my dream of owning a home that much further away and my husband’s spirit crushed by his mistakes. I am totally scared of the future and ashamed of the past, but I won’t accept defeat for him or myself. I am encouraging him daily to achieve his new goals and rebuild his spirit and I want to invest in myself, to enjoy what i DO have left rather than focusing on what has been lost. You inspire me. I am going to start with my goals and take on the things i believed previously i had no time for. As i said i am going through a crisis, but i intend to come out stronger.

    • Reply Maria Kang April 24, 2014 at 4:32 pm

      Minisha, I’m so sorry you of undergoing tough times. I’ve been there also. Always remember this too shall pass. Focus on what you have and not what you don’t. Sounds like you are on the right path

  • Reply Maria Daglinger June 18, 2014 at 11:31 am


    Hi there,

    I really like to 40 Minutes full Body home workout that Maria Kang has created! 🙂

    But for me it is impossible to do as rope skipping, burpees, etc. are too noisy…we are sharing the house with our landlords (and they hate any kind of noise!).

    That’s why I go running and do burpees, stand-up jumps, rope skipping outside.

    However, I’d love to do a workout at home, too – but I have no idea how to create a “silent” warm up & workout ?

    Maybe, I will find somebody here with some good advice / being in the same situation..?

    Thank you for your help & comments!!!

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