February 6, 2006
I feel absolutely un-inspired to write this week. Lately I’ve been reading…thinking…writing…reflecting and living.
Usually if I don’t complete an entry by Sunday, I finish by Monday. It is now Monday night and I’m still un-motivated.
Last week went very well. For the first time in two years I completed my exercise goals: I weight trained five days and performed cardio all seven days. My eating wasn’t up to par but I felt the need to feel normal…whatever normal means. Does it mean to watch popular tv shows? Eat pizza on Super bowl Sunday? Does it mean to have cocktails at happy hour or eat dessert on evenings out? There is always a piece of me that wants to be like everyone else.stop trying so hardworking so hard and staying so freakin disciplined all the time.
I don’t think I’m unique. I don’t think I’m special, nor do I think that Ive got super-natural abilities to complete the accomplishments Ive achieved up to this point in my life. Deep in our hearts, I don’t think we all care about celebrities, about money, about fame or parties…I think everyone is the same. Just trying to survive this life and create a peace of mind as long as we exist in this world.
This is who I am.
1. I work out 5-6 days a week (mostly in the mornings.) When you train your body, you are also training your mind. Getting your metabolism geared up and your physical body n sync with your mind and spirit is what creates new challenges and renewed balance in your daily life.
2. I eat a salad every day. Eating live foods keep you feeling alive – Organic, raw, unprocessed foods are filled with vitamins and minerals helps digestion and routinely cleans out your system.
3. I don’t eat more than 15 grams of sugar a day You are what you Eat. Sugar makes me feel tired, lethargic and stores in my hip and thigh areas. It is important to experiment with different food combinations to find what works for you…sugar doesn’t work for me.
4. I create goals every week. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. Creating goals keeps me focused and sets accountable marks for me to hit so that I am always reviewing my long term goals.
5. I know the nutrition count in most foods Education is Priceless. Being educated, aware, informed and conscious of the little things that assist me in my long term goals is key.
6. I hardly drink alcohol If you don’t want to be a toxic person don’t intake toxic stuff.. Drinking alcohol is great at a minimum but always impedes my workout the next day, my level of conscious happiness for that moment and adds to my body fat storage.
7. I don’t use an ipod, gloves, or heart monitor when I exercise. Target your goals with laser beam focus. Whenever I am concentrating on a task I try to keep my mind focused on the task at hand – depending on assistance outside of my immediate control is not something I’m comfortable with.
8. I don’t train my legs. Know thyself. Knowing my genetics and body composition has allowed me to configure a training program specific to my physique type. I tend to build easily on my legs and from years of training, cheerleading and kickboxing, I now have legs that I challenge during intense cardio, but not for weight training. In fact, when I competed, I never trained legs.
9. My regular weight is 10 pounds more than my competition weight. Keep yourself Real. It took me a very long time to overcome the fear of weight gain, but I realize that most pictures of myself and other competitors is how we all look like for a brief 15 hour period in time. When you add water and glycogen to un-tanned muscles, you look a lot different,but still fit.
10. I read a lot Knowledge is limitless. I go to political, scientific and spiritual lectures monthly. knowing your environment is just as important as knowing yourself. I firmly believe that we are still kids, living in an unexplored world called the mind and its up to us to remain curious, excited and fearless when it comes to experimenting with our future.
11. I like to bargain shop The real value of anything in life is the personal perception of its worth, created in your mind. I believe if you have a great body, you can make a 5 dollar shirt look like a million bucks.
12. I pray daily. I give gratitude in the morning, before and after workouts, at night and every Sunday in Church. Recognizing your spiritual nature forces you to recognize the spiritual nature in all things and the miracles and power that surround you on a daily basis.
13. If I say I’m going to do something, I always do it. – Respect is always earned. Making commitments and holding yourself accountable to completion is a trait that not most people have…it means that you are trustworthy, dependable and responsible…it means that you are loyal, committed and because of that – you are respected. I seek those I respect because I hope to honor their character but receiving respect in return.
We are all human. So simply human, we make certain decisions that lead us all towards different routes. My bullet points in this entry isn’t presented to just share with y’all.and its not to make me feel special in my actions-when I write, what I hope to discover is that there are other people who also share the same actions who work out, plan, pray, read
I want to feel normal not normal and accepted by the people who eat pizza on a daily basis and selfishly live life in the eyes of their own experiences..I want to feel normal by the people who live the same compassionate and conscious lifestyle and who share the same altruistic characteristics. People who love and live with extreme passion..a passion so intoxicating you cant even breathe.
Sometimes it gets lonely to think and want and dream and read and experience and write…And yet I still write…and I still train…and I still pray that someone reads this and resonates with me. So this world doesn’t feel so lonely.
This week is a good week. Its February Happy Chinese New Year Everyone.