Re-connecting our differences.

July 5, 2005

July 5, 2005

Happy Independence Day! As all of you know, I am very patriotic. And why shouldn’t we be? If we are Americans, we are celebrating a piece of us, right? To me, independence day means more than barbeques, firecrackers and a day off…it signifies a BIRTH day…a day that our nation was born.

Ever since I was little, I always rooted for the underdog- and in the eighteenth century, when Britain, France and other European countries ruled the world: America was the underdog. It was a ‘new world’ that was founded by immigrants in search for a home where they would not be persecuted. Our nation was created on the idea that no one should tax without representation…that no one should tell you what your religion should be…and that no one had a right to take away your personal freedoms. That is why I love America…because is was founded on the humanistic principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We are a nation of winners. It is embedded in our genes…which is why America has progressed, survived and grown to become the most powerful nation in our modern world. America is a combination of strong-willed immigrants who left their home countries in search for survival and opportunity. This fourth of July I celebrated our declaration of independence, I celebrated the people who fought and died during the Civil war, I celebrated the immigrants who helped build the railroad and farm the lands….I celebrated our survival as a nation that embodies more religions, more ethnicities, more nationalities than any other place on earth.

Last year I spent the holiday in San Francisco…this year I spent it with my family in Sacramento…what I found kind of funny is that neighbors don’t celebrate fireworks shows together….even neighbors that are right next door to each have separate firework displays…I know, that when I have a family and kids in suburban America, I am going to utilize any reason to get in my neighbors yard and introduce myself: and celebrate the day together. We are all Americans, celebrating what makes us all connected. We should take every opportunity, whether it be in the form of a national holiday, birthday, seasonal celebrations, etc. to get re-connected again…that is what these days are truly for: to get connected and appreciate a piece of who we all are. Happy Independence Day Everyone!