Mommy Fitness: Going Crazy

June 1, 2012

Right now – it’s Thursday night. I am incredibly tired. Not only was it a scorching day in Sacramento, but I’m sick. I’ve been sick for nearly the past week. It started with my children – Nicholas to be exact. He picked something up when they went to MyGym last Monday. Then, Christian caught hold of it. They have runny noses, a fever and a cough. It’s really tough as a mother to not hold your kids when they are sick, after all, they need you! So here I am, it was probably Monday night, and I was holding onto Gabriel, because now Gabriel has the sickness, and I’m praying that his little hot body isn’t going to make me sick.

So now I’m sick.

I have a very, very painful sore throat. It hurts when I talk. It hurts when I swallow. It hurts most at night and in the morning. I hate it.

I am also very fatigued. Since I’m incredibly congested at night and have a headache, it’s hard for me to go to sleep well. THAT and my sick kids crowding my bed.

Speaking of bed, I detest it right now. I usually LOVE my bed. But right now, I can only really sleep well in the guest bedroom. Firstly, my body sinks into the mattress there. I’m temporarily away from the baby (who usually sleeps in a bassinet beside me) and the air conditioning hits that room differently. Of course, around 3am, the baby wakes and at 6am, Christian is up looking for me.

So – here I am. I’m sick AND I’m sore. Yes, I still workout even when sick. I actually took Sun-Tues off. Pretty amazing as I usually don’t allow more than two days to pass before I train again. BUT, I was sick, remember that.

I decided to hit it hard yesterday (Wednesday) since I took a 3-day vacation and now I am seriously paying for it today. Those squats I haven’t done for a year? OMG. They hurt like heck. And those hamstring curls I NEVER do…yes they hurt too. I walk funny.

So in addition to be sick and sore, I’ve also been busy working and being with the kids ALL day. In fact, the ONLY time I have without my kids is that little time in the morning I have to workout and after they go to bed. I’m exhausted. And I DO NOT recommend having kids close in age (again mine are all a year apart) unless you have more help. I don’t have any help. If I finally get help – I usually need to hire a babysitter.  And I work – thank God it’s from home, but I always wonder how much easier it would be if it was away from home?

Anyways – right now, I have a ton of things to do. I need to clean the house. I can’t stand a dirty house.

I have to complete taxes for my nonprofit.

I have to do payroll and complete June medication forms for my care home.

And I have to finalize paperwork for my new business – something that I’ve been procrastinating on and made a goal to submit tomorrow.

So, it’s 9:30pm now and I feel like crying after having written that. Seriously.

This post is not a ‘pity post’ – maybe it’s more of a ‘get my negative energy out’ post – but for all of you reading, I hope you see this as a “this is a woman who manages to eat right and workout with three kids, a business, a nonprofit and a husband WHILE sick.”

Sometimes I feel like people think I’m superwoman. People have told me a few times that I’m like a ‘rubber band’ at the gym in terms of losing weight after having a baby.  While it’s a nice compliment, the truth is, is that I’m not a rubber band (obviously) – because that would mean that it was EASY to lose weight. Because it’s not.

It’s difficult. I would love to eat something delicious when I’m stressed, have a few more hours of sleep (instead of working out) in the morning, and drink a nice cold Starbucks Latte when I need energy. But I don’t. Right now I also feel like I’ve been plateauing, which means I have to push myself even more when I workout and eat.

My secret in being able to get all this stuff done is this:

I FOCUS. When I workout, I just focus on the workout. When I am done with this post, I am going to just FOCUS on paperwork. When I wake up tomorrow, I’m going to FOCUS on my to do list. I only allow a little bit of space in my day for a pity party (which I guess is now) and then I move forward. Because the fact is, is that life still moves and I have to move with it or get left behind.

I do have to say that I have an amazing husband who listens to my stress and just finished the dishes (Thank God!) He encourages me to workout every day (even though I often take it as an insult because to me it translates as he thinks I’m fat!) And he’s been working out a lot too, which has been very inspiring. His body is looking awesome!!

Okay – so here are my goals. I am 8 pounds away from my pre-Gabriel weight. I want to lose that in two months. Realistic, right???

1) Continue having a clean, natural and mostly organic diet

2) Continue drinking lots of water

3) Focus on Intensity

4) Perform Insanity (the DVD because it kicks my butt and makes me want to vomit) 3 times a week (when I’m feeling better of course)

5)Try to sleep earlier. Like before 11~!!!!!

6) Girls Night out on Saturday – and free meal on Sunday!

Follow me on FACEBOOK here. I post foods, tips and more.

I went shopping today! First time I had a little bit of ‘me time’ in 3 weeks.
I took this shot in the dressing room. I love colorful bikinis. I bought the top but not the bottom.
This is my body nearly 5 1/2 months post pregnancy.


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