Mommy Fitness Blog: First week BACK

June 7, 2010

It’s Monday and I just had a long night. My nights go like this:

Hopefully I sleep by 11pm…since David sleeps later, he can tend to the baby until 3am for his first night feeding when I awake…then 5:30am…then he awakes again around 7:30ish, which at that point, I ask David to feed him because I end up sleeping from 6:30am – 9:30am. So as you can imagine, my sleep schedule is pretty erratic. I don’t know how I function throughout the day sometimes. Right now I’m trying to get a ton of stuff done as I am used to finishing a lot of emails and updates (including this site) by noon.

This past weekend it was HOT in Sacramento. I used to love the heat, but I find myself getting an instant headache now whenever I’m in the sun. At first I thought it was because of my hat, then I realize it’s all because of the heat! Even though I went out to eat a few times and attended a Fiesta this weekend, I didn’t eat unhalthy at all this weekend. I am very ON right now with my diet.

Last week was the first time I officially began working out. I worked out 4 times: Mon, Wed, Thurs and Sat. I was sore! There were some days when I really didn’t want to work out too! On Wednesday I felt so lazy – but I decided to NOT THINK ABOUT IT and just start taking action. So I grabbed a jump rope, a dumb bell, a medicine ball and my stop watch and began working out for forty minutes.  I performed everything from burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, lunge walks, squat jumps, etc. I was so SORE the next day, BUT I was happy because I completed my goal.

I’ve been very good at eating – mainly focusing on NOT eating too much at night. Preferrably I stop eating around 6/7pm. That’s what helped me lose the majority of my weight when I was dropping fat after Christian. I still have my protein shake every morning and may begin incorporating a protein shake for a snack sometime in the afternoon. I still need to get my daily routine settled first.

Ideally I would train from 6-730am after my second night feeding. Then eat at 8am – 11am – 2pm – 5pm and 7pm. Ideally I’d like to sleep around 9/10am too! But God knows that won’t happen unless I really start changing my schedule to get enough done while they are napping throughout the day.

My goal this week is simple:

1) Workout 4-5 times

2) Eat healthy every day

3) Drink more water

4) Ideal schedule
Mon: chest/butt – cardio

Tues: lower body – cardio

Wed: back – cardio

Th: shoulders – dance class

Fri: rest

Sat: arms – kickboxing

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