Mommy Fitness Blog: 37 weeks pregnant.

March 22, 2010

I haven’t been posting mad amounts of material lately because as everyone in the world knows….I’m a busy woman! In fact, I admit that I have not stepped into a gym in the last two weeks! TWO WEEKS! That’s the longest I’ve ever been away from a dance class or dumb bell. However! I’ve been walking a lot, going in and out the car…even walking up my stairs or getting out of bed feels like a workout in itself!

Today is Monday and I’ve already done a ton of paperwork, made phone calls, had two interviews, went to the bank, the grocery store and the post office – and it’s only 2pm! I still have to finish an article, make more phone calls and fax more paperwork. Christian is with my mom right now (Thank God!) because he is usually with me everywhere I go making me more tired! I want to start cutting back though. I just don’t know how! I’m a bit of a control freak  – but at the same time, there are a lot of things that need to get done and the only person capable of doing it sometimes is ME.

I do want to workout this week though. At least go walking outside since the weather has been very springy lately! My weight has stabilize at 30 pounds total as my total weight gain so far in my pregnancy. According to my doctor, I will be losing some amniotic fluid and probably not gain too much weight in the next few weeks. The baby will be full term by the end of this week and ready to come out at any time!

So nervous! I haven’t even done much preparation. I still need to clean Christian’s newborn clothes, organize the dressers – I just bought newborn diapers yesterday so at least I got one thing done!?!

This pregnancy is similar to the first…I’m not swelling, I don’t have mad stretchmarks (I received a few light ones on my left side with Christian but I haven’t seen those pop really?) and I have no cravings.  I’m just really sleepy right now. I don’t get enough sleep. My mind is constantly going so anxiety keeps me awake. Last night however, Christian kept me awake when he started crying uncontrollably around 2am!

Anyways – when I have time, I will work more on this site and posting more information for all of you!

At the IHRSA convention in San Diego with Garmin representative, Natalie!

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