August 21, 2011
We are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. Our clothes are packed, the refrigerator is clean, Christian’s backpack is full of books and toys, the house is clean and there is not one piece of dirty laundry or dish in this house. After a long week of working, organizing, running errands and completing my long to-do list, I am finally fresh-from-the-shower, in a bathrobe and able to devote my last couple hours awake to my websites.
I don’t plan on updating for the next couple weeks. It will be a nice welcome considering I try to update this site weekly and my fitness site,, daily. After all these years of blogging, I don’t know why I continue to express my thoughts and detail life events but I do, mainly because writing has always been therapeutic for me. Writing allows me to release a creative energy within and positively influence my world without.
Most of the time, I try to write when my mind is clear of thoughts which is why it was so important for me to finalize all my work and personal responsibilities before finally sitting down tonight. Besides responsibilities, there are often times when I’m melancholy, annoyed, stressed or irritated. Most readers can sense my emotional state of mind when I write.
I try not to hide what makes me imperfect; after all, I think I would’ve lost many of my readers in my six years of blogging online. While most are my pictures don’t show me crying or laying in bed sulking I tell all of you I am, so maybe that breaks the great facade.
Openly it seems like I live an exciting life complete with traveling, entrepreneurship, nonprofit programs, kids, fitness and large family events. However, I write deeply because there are more dimensions than what the naked eye can see.
In-between the brief seconds when a photo is captured, I am working my tail off to get tasks done so I can reap the rewards of relaxing on a vacation. When I’m not smiling, I’m worried about my mother’s health, stressed about managing money or tired from running after two toddlers while pregnant. At the end of the day, it’s not easy experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, losing weight after kids, taking chances to progress your career or being a perfect wife and mother to your family.
My life has openly been a constant mountain climb.
So while my dishes are put away and my bathroom is removed of any speck of loose hair, always know that there was a mess in my life
I just choose to clean it up before I take a picture.
See y’all in two weeks.
Journal Pictures: August 16 2011
This was a fun but HOT day. I am 5 1/2 months preggers now.
Funny story, I went bikini shopping with a girlfriend and her husband
remarked, “Why is she shopping for a bikini, she’s pregnant!”
LOL – I don’t own any one pieces.
Little man loves being a big man.
I don’t think I will EVER use a paddle boat again –
lot’s of work without going very far!
With Melody today before we had to depart.
She was my Mexican Cruise buddy many moons ago! ALSO, Last week, David
and I found out we are having a BOY!!!