Going into any challenging event requires a personal philosophy that will carry you through the temptations. It took me several years to master holiday events, vacations and Vegas! I realized that if I:
– Felt bloated from sugar
– Beat myself up because of poor food intake
– Lacked energy because of too much drinking
Then it would ruin whatever good experience I was trying to achieve. Realizing the ‘cause and effect’ of your decisions takes a while to soak in, for some people it takes a lifetime! For example, it took me a long time to admit I was lactose intolerant. Before that, it took me a long time to stop chewing sugar free gum or drinking sugar free energy drinks. NOW, it’s finally hitting me that I can’t consume protein shakes (because of the sucralose, aspartame and stevia). After experiencing bloating, fatigue or nausea, I’m finally starting to make change after years of consuming things my body reacted negatively to!
Going into Las Vegas was going to be a challenging experience – and I knew it would be. I prepared myself to not be perfect on my diet and exercise, but maybe give myself a 7/10 in terms of overall health success. Before even landing at Las Vegas I gave myself these compromises:
– Don’t drink excessively. Just indulge in a couple glasses of red wine. I usually feel happily ‘buzzed’ after just two.
– Don’t purchase candy because it will make me feel bloated and ‘fat’ in my dresses.
– Eat well but don’t overly obsess over calories.
– Train the morning before I go and at least one more additional day while there.
– Try to sleep as much as I can (since I was without my children and I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in years)
If you know you are also going to be in a challenging situation, you must prepare for it in advance. The biggest preparation you must give yourself is a MIND EXERCISE….
– Know that if you really ‘mess up’ on your diet and exercise then it will screw with your mind and make you not fully enjoy the vacation/holiday.
– Know that you can’t be overly-strict on yourself
– Know that it’s okay to indulge a little bit and give yourself a mental and physical break.
– Create agreements with yourself and try to stay healthy by being consistent with your routine at home.
– Lastly, enjoy yourself. Live in the moment and be present.
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