Failing Faster.

August 15, 2013

August 15, 2013

You know when you get pushed down and get back up? Then you get pushed down again and find the strength to move forward, but then you get pushed again, then again, and again – and you’re just ….tired?

That’s how I feel right now.

I’ve always seen business as a ballgame. Mind you, I’ve never played a sport in part because I’m scared of the ball, but mainly because I am more of an individual player. I don’t like depending on other people. I don’t like measuring my success against another person’s follow through. I don’t like not having control.

And yet all the control I think I have is all a big, fat illusion.

The truth is you are never an island unto yourself. You always work with others at some capacity. Even if you did live and exist independently, you would still depend on earth’s natural resources to keep you alive. Our world is about cooperation and co-existing. It’s about relationships and forging bonds to make changes, move things and manifest works.

This is where the ballgame comes in. You get a task and you throw it right back waiting for another task. It’s all about how fast you move, how accurate you are, but most of all, who you are playing with and how well you can play with your teammates.  

I chose the wrong teammates.

Earlier this year I filmed a Fitness DVD for my Belly Ball. While it was agreed I would receive a final edit within a month, I kindly allowed more time because of personal issues on their end. When months passed, it was discovered that the audio wasn’t quality due to the microphones and location. I reluctantly had to re-shoot in May and was again promised a quick edit. When August rolled around, I received the ‘final’ product, which according to other professional editors, was a low-quality DVD that not only had various glitching issues, but also lacked proper audio syncing and color formatting. I gave them two more attempts to fix my issues to no avail. They not only insisted that this substandard product was perfect, but that no other endeavors would be made.

My time was lost and if you can imagine, after months of being kicked down, I’m trying to find strength to get up again.

In times like these I’m reminded of great failures that occur before success arrives. I think about  Abraham Lincoln – who lost his job in 1832, failed in business in 1833, had a nervous breakdown in 1836, was defeated for Vice President in 1856, then the Senate in 1858…but was elected president in 1860, and became one of the greatest U.S. Presidents who ever lived. I think about Sara Blakely, the Spanx founder, who wanted to be a lawyer but failed the LSATS. In an interview she talks about her father encouraging discussions on failure and positively asking a common dinner-time question, “What did you fail at today?” According to Sara, you shouldn’t attach failure to outcome, but in trying. It took her two years to get her first prototype for Spanx and while it wasn’t part of the plan, it seems that will be the same timeline for my endeavors.

The faster you fail, the sooner you will succeed. We can’t avoid setbacks, only accept them and move on.

So I’m moving upward and onward. I’m not going to allow the negative energy of this experience to define me, as Sara Blakely might say, I will let it ‘liberate’ me. I’m not scared of playing ball. But now I’ve developed more instincts on who not to trust when playing in the future.

This was taken before my power nap when my husband was out of town a couple weeks ago. I had two first day of schools. The baby painted himself in mascara that morning and peanut butter that afternoon. I had to call another mom to check my son out of school because my car ignition was in a locked position. I skipped the gym because my second was having his second tantrum at 9am. I had just cleaned the floors, folded the laundry and after a powerful power nap I went to my carehomes to complete some work.

Celebrating my sister’s 30th birthday this past Sunday.  There is also another sister inbetween us (I’m 32)


  • Reply Karl October 15, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    My hat goes off to you, I am very proud of what you have achieved and am a bit jealous… had 2 businesses, went through a divorce, lost everything and am having problems getting back in the swing of things especially in this economy. Best wishes to you and I am proud of you.



  • Reply Michelle Summerall October 15, 2013 at 4:14 pm

    You are a true inspiration, and a great example. Thank you for what you do. You are blessed, and you are a blessing to the people you inspire.

  • Reply Marina October 15, 2013 at 7:23 pm

    Hello Maria, I just want to let you know you are a real inspiration. People with negative things to same are just ashamed of who they are and envy you. I am a 22 year old mother of a beautiful 2 year old girl. I didnt pack on baby weight, but i did continue with a food obsession after pregnancy. your photos have inspired to to try and get fit for my daughter. thank you for that push in life.

  • Reply Drew October 20, 2013 at 5:23 am

    Your very young sister is very beautiful, you are too, but as a man of honor, I am not suppose to flirt with a married woman. You take care mate.

  • Reply Laura October 21, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    Both of you are so, so beautiful!

  • Reply kelly November 16, 2013 at 1:21 am

    I’m happy to see you dispell the myth that you are a superwoman, things bring you down, occaisonally you have low energy but each day you get up and do what you can. thank you for sharing the not so pretty but much more realistic side of life. You Rock!

  • Reply Jon December 25, 2013 at 4:06 am

    You have nothing to be ashamed of by posting that picture, and this is coming from a person who exercises regularly, and needs to lose some weight. You look great and way to go. Jon

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