September 6, 2021
In the last year of not being able to travel outward, David and I have been journeying inward. It started with a plant medicine retreat for his birthday, followed by a Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat for mine. David partook in a breathwork class, even expressing one day he’d like to be certified.
We started uncovering our hidden traumas and cyclical life patterns that prevented us from loving ourselves and truly becoming our best selves.
We saw how our childhoods, esp. our unique relationship and judgment of our male and female parents, effected the way we treated, honored, respected and loved each other. Five years ago, when I asked for a divorce, I could never imagine what saying YES to our continued marriage would give rise to…after all, it’s never easy to stay in a situation when you feel hurt, resentment, blame and shame.
But we stood in the fire. We looked in the mirror. We invested in retreats, we dove deep into our psyche, and we figured our sh*t out (and still are).
In the heat of our issues, it hurt to humbly look at a life and broken marriage that we co-created. I added wood to this flame and so did he. We built our world, and it was difficult to take full responsibility for both the good and bad that bore out of it.
In our newfound love and service to each other, we started actively listening to each other’s needs, desires and dreams. As David’s 44th birthday neared, I began researching Breathwork teachers he mentioned in passing – one who stuck out like a big, white, hairless thumb.
Jon Paul Crimi is not your average fluffy new age teacher. What I loved most about studying him is his imperfect journey, from being an addict, to helping others, to being a no-nonsense out-of-the-box breathwork facilitator/teacher.
After surprising my husband with Jon Paul Crimi’s Teacher Training Course on Sept 18-19 in Calabasas (he was shocked and stoked!), we took Jon’s Sunday breathwork class online. It was the first time I got to ‘meet’ him and in a short hour, I laughed, cried, smiled and held hands with David and his best friend, Micah.
At the time, I didn’t know how much I needed to hear some of the powerful statements Jon shared with us. Days prior, I was dealing with external judgment and personal backlash from posts I felt shared constructive thinking on a highly polarizing topic. In addition, a close family member was losing his battle to addiction and in the ICU. These emotional struggles mounted as I performed deep belly and chest breaths in the hour with Jon.
He affirmed my belief that I was responsible for what I say, but I’m not responsible for how others receive it. That was a powerful reminder. Jon’s tears while instructing unconsciously gave us permission to have tears too – which I did. As I followed a very intense breathing pattern, I began to feel numbness and tingling in my extremities and a comfortable lightheaded-ness. By manipulating my breathing, it was easier for me to attune more spiritually.
At the end of this very long but short hour session, there was so much love that enveloped the room. I was reminded once again, how in serving my husband, I served myself. I wouldn’t have experienced that moment without David’s desire to elevate himself through breathwork and with one of the best teachers in our world today, Jon Paul Crimi.
It is often said, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
For those who are ready to experience Breath work, I highly recommend you take the online class I took recently with my husband. For those who want to master Breath work, invest in his teacher’s training course – if you come in Sept, we will see you there.

Click here to join his next class.
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