Lessons in Patience.

November 4, 2008

November 3, 2008

I feel the baby every day now.

I’m starting to feel the baby kick right below my chest and have witnessed the baby move and shift my abdominal walls. My first real experience with the baby moving was on Wednesday last week  when I was laying on the couch and started feeling a tug in my belly.
All of a sudden, I started seeing a huge bump elevate my skin. Then the baby started to shift on my left side then move again a few times
towards my right side. It was like an out of body experience’; an experience where I realized my body was no longer mine…it was responsible for two people now. As much as it was cool’ to see, I seriously could not look at my belly move and had David record it for
me to watch later. One day I might upload it to the internet!

I admit that I’m a pretty good pregnant woman’ as I don’t have any cravings, excessive weight gain or morning sickness’. However, I
definitely can’t wait for my hormones to stabilize so I won’t be so emotional. Some days I feel positive, energetic and happy other days,
I feel agitated, annoyed and restless.

The other day, David and I had a small altercation and he told me something I knew was one of my biggest personality flaws.
He observed that sometimes I look too far into the future and that in doing so; I fail to recognize the present and the good things that
happen in the moment.

It’s true.

As most know I think about planning, preparing and progressing every day.

I ponder about dreams, goals and ambitions and unfortunately they are not always positive. I definitely get scared, anxious and impatient. In
fact, saying I’m impatient’ is not even accurate without a really intense adjective like: extremely impatient’ or unbelievably

I’ve never been with anyone who is more patient than David. Sometimes his patience is admittedly very annoying to me because I’m not used to prolonged time frames the way he is.

But when I argue with him, I’m humbly reminded that: here is a man who learned how to walk and talk again. After surviving a fatal injury to his head, he had to be patient with his physical, mental and emotional recovery. In my relationship with him, I’m becoming more aware of the small, seemingly insignificant steps it takes for something…anything…to grow.

One of the most endearing qualities I see in David is when I see a house plant placed out in the sun with water dripping from its pot. When I
see itI… know he put it there. He takes plants that are near death’ and restores them. In my eyes, the plant looks dead…but in his eyes,
the plant is growing again: little by little.

This baby in my belly represents 31 weeks of a small single egg formulating into the baby now kicking, moving and shifting my tummy. In 2 months, he’ll be exiting my body and entering this world and he will grow, just like you and I…and he will continue to develop slowly…just
as we all do, each day of our lives.

Life is about patience and being present of the small miracles happening each day to create a future we have no control over. Life
is about discovering yourself in the eyes of people who love you. Most
of all ….life is about growing….and whether we know it or not, we
do each day.

God Bless.

Journal Pictures: November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008! I was a “Bun in the Oven” and David was “The Bun Baker”. LOL!
We made the costume for less than $20 and 3 hours! It was so much fun.

The architect! He built it – I designed it!

wola! Timer reads: “8 weeks left!” OMG! That’s crazy soon!

We went to a restaurant hosting a costume contest.
David is being a dork – as usual!
We won!

My uncle was “Dracula”! This was a great Halloween.
Check out my Halloween experience last year!

Old School picture taken in 1998 with my sisters! That was all my hair…teased!
Isn’t my little doggie cute?!!

This is my nonprofit’s new logo for the C.O.R.E. fit club coming to a high school near you!
Okay, well maybe not THAT soon! But we’ve already started at Valley. yay!!

Check out they’re myspace group here.

At the Sacramento Bodybuildng/Figure show on Saturday.
My beautiful girlfriend, Janelle, (center with maroon bikini) was competing.

With IFBB pro, Kris Dim. Love him! We see each other everywhere!

We seriously didn’t eat all day. Sushi on Sunday! BTW: I ate the COOKED sushi

and NO – we didn’t eat the whole boat!