Finding your unit.

June 18, 2007

June 18, 2007

I spent the weekend in San Francisco! I was able to catch up with a ton of friends and am excited to see some of them come visit me in Sacramento this week!

Its been challenging living here. I cant deny it. Less than a year ago, I was in the bustling city, working for 24hour fitness corporate, dining at great restaurants, attending various lectures and living a life I envisioned Id have at the age of 25.

While I can concentrate on all the changes, what I find invaluable in my decision to leave, is the quality time spent with my family.

On Fathers day, we spontaneously decided to have dinner at a local park.  The evening was filled with hopscotch, karate games, swinging, turning, dancing, and loving every moment spent with a family I feel blessed to born into.

In all honesty, it isn’t easy to always feel linked inside a human entity.
Natural human jealousies, resentments, annoyances and frustrations are a continuing battle any family continuously faces. However, when they feel upset, you feel a part of that pain. When they feel happy, you feel a part of that success. When you love someone is when you feel truly proud.

Proud means feeling like you are part of the process that you contributed at some level to the manifestation of the world around you.

In my lifetime, I have found that real friends are those who are proud of you. They don’t compete with you, they don’t resent you, they don’t misjudge you…they love you and know their role in your growth. Real Friends contribute to your success and assist when you feel failure.

Every single person in my life today serves a progressive purpose as I pray that I serve positively in their lives.

When you are in a loving energy field, you are part of a larger connection of spirits. They either engage you or disconnect you if you leave, you leave because your beating heart cannot resonate with the rythym inspired by the whole unit.

When I feel a weakening in my energy level when I feel toxicity rise in a person, place or thing…I leave. There is no other choice. You either die in trying to seek false approval, or live realizing your own invisible vitality.

We are all linked at an unperceivable level but we are all connected. And we all have a purpose each day of our lives.


Journal Pictures: June 18, 2007


Thanks to Minji Wong, I will be testing the “S” Factor.
Here is a pole in the middle of her living room! That’s hardcore!


Preparing “Father’s Day dinner at the park”


Sandwiches, Salad and allotta watermelon!


Happy Father’s Day DADDDDYYY!!


This swinging chair made me crazy dizzy!


Edgar (my sister’s boyfriend) has been talking about Eskrima for sooo long.
He brought his sticks to the park and had a ball with Tahjai! He’s a little fighter.


If all couples fought like that, maybe we would have a decline in divorce rates?


I love my cutie pie!!

Isn’t that cute?! The grandparents pushing the grandchildren…


I lovvvveee my little girl.


Angel could not walk straight afterwards!