March 22, 2005
This is my very first journal entry! Hello y’all! For those who don’t know me very well, I’m sure that by browsing through some of my material that you get the feeling I can be a little ‘unique’ in my way of thinking. Well I am…as we all are
.I love the ability to utilize this website to not only allow others to get to know me better, but also, allow others to get to know themselves better by sparking some food for thought in their brains when reading my poems and journal entries. Having an online journal is extra special to me because anyone who know me knows that I have had a diary ever since I could write…which would be around first grade.
I think it’s very important to understand who you are, by understanding where you came from. If you can merge past and present…you have the abilities to forecast and even steer your future. So if you guys don’t have some written material to track your daily activities, dreams, thoughts and emotions, then I suggest you begin today! Learning about yourself is fun. Life is fun! So I hope all of y’all have fun with my website and provide me some feedback whenever you want. I will try and update this at least once a week.