Mommy Fitness Blog: It’s a NEW week

July 27, 2009

Our last house guests left this morning and I’m ready to get back on track from weeks being on a workout and life hiatus. I am FINALLY getting over from being sick. After dealing with flu-like symptoms for a week, I started coughing this weekend and ended up sleeping 70% of my day away. The rest was good though because I’m feeling pretty good right now!

Even though I slept really late lastnight (I’m talking 2am. I usually sleep at 1030/11) I still managed to wake up at 730am this morning. Usually I don’t watch movies or tv a lot (unless its Real Housewives on Bravo or Oprah) but I decided to watch “Watchmen” with my fiancee and his friends last night to make him happy 🙂 The movie wasn’t THAT bad and actually had some great underlying wise philosophies in the plot but there was definitely too much violence for my taste. I’m much more of a romantic comedy/drama kind of gal.

So, I was a little nervous about checking my weight from this weekend. My uncle had a HUGE birthday party and served REALLY awesome food. In these past couple weeks, my goal wasn’t to lose weight, it was really more to just maintain where I was at. AND after stepping on the scale, I was relieved to be on the same marker as I was two weeks ago…which is pretty darn great!

However, I am ready to take it up a notch. I REALLY want to tone my abs more, increase the roundness of my butt and decrease the size of my legs. I’m going to start off slow and make a 10 mile goal this week….but I am going to start taking my weight training more seriously and have more intense workouts. (they really aren’t that intense AT ALL) I also created a workout schedule that I am GOING TO STICK WITH. I usually play my workouts by ear, but we all know how important planning and goal setting is!!

There might be a few hurdles however. The baby is teething and crying more…sometimes he’ll wake up more during the night. This also means that I don’t want to leave him at the gym’s kids club at all for I don’t want him to be fussy with them.

Also, I will be getting my period next week. Usually the week prior I feel yucky – so hopefully that will NOT be the case!

Goals this week:

1) 5 meals , 1500 calories, low carb on last two meals

2) Run 10 miles

3) 4 days intense weight training

4) 3 days intense abs training

5) Stick with program

6) Drink lots of water

7) Get enough sleep.

Here are some pictures at the hotel gym!



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