November 13, 2012
In the hundreds of pictures being strewn daily on facebook, instagram and twitter I often wonder what pictures in our lives aren’t we taking?
Today I felt like I was going crazy. It’s been nearly a week without my husband, who is volunteering in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy right now. The baby has been fevering. The eldest has been throwing tantrums and the middle doesn’t demand much but he manages to spill, drop and destruct everything he touches. In the midst of child-rearing I feel like my life has been a sprint. I’m managing my care home, running errands, working on upcoming nonprofit and entrepreneurial projects, and preparing for various events including a recent magazine photo shoot and TV spot on Good Day Sacramento.
The night before Good Day Sacramento’s taping I was tending to my sick, fevering baby. At 1am I was sitting with him, shivering in a lukewarm bathtub trying to naturally reduce his body temperature. I would continue to wake up intermittently throughout the night when he cried. At exactly 5:04am my eldest, Christian, runs crying in my room and instantly heaves on my floor. The camera crew came punctually at 5:40am. I did my best to appear bright-eyed and energetic but I felt far from it.
I was tired – and here I was, on a local show, as the ‘no excuse mom’.
The truth is… I have a million parts moving on a daily basis. While I don’t always complete everything, I always try to put a little bit into each professional, personal and physical bucket. It’s not easy – and one of the things that disturbs me about images is the inability of others to see how difficult it really is.
It isn’t easy to have three really young kids. It’s not easy to have your own business (and 2 new business’ on the horizon) or prioritize working out. I do have sleepless nights. I do struggle with being a ‘single mom’ several times during the year. I do get stressed, depressed, overworked and overwhelmed. I don’t always want to workout, or eat clean or eat at all!
I felt like that today.
There I was – trying to answer an email…with my baby on my lap…with my eldest son over my shoulder and my middle climbing my printer. They moved their toys from their playroom to my office and had already built a fort surrounding my chair. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and just needed five solid minutes to myself.
I began to resent my husband for leaving, which produced a snowball of negative and self-defeating thoughts – in that moment I knew I needed to shift my attitude to gratitude.
I am able to complete life goals because I don’t focus on what I lack, I focus on what I have. If I can find small opportunities to fit in a workout, make a contact or attend a meeting I do it.
Life is something you make …something you create. It’s more than the 5-second shot seen through a photo, it’s a constant minute-to-minute decision to seek opportunities, not limitations….to seek possibilities, not problems.
Challenges reveal your weakness, but in that reflection, you also discover your strength.
Check out one of my segments on Good Day Sacramento here!
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Hi, I’m Cara from the UK! I am a single mum to 2 boys. I am also starting a business and doing my degree, so i know how you feel! You’re such an inspiration! xxx
Wow! We were on the same wave length! After enduring 2 weeks of craziness here in NJ due to the storm (a big thanks to men like your hubby for coming out to help!) I have reflected so much. I am never a negative person and when I got down instead of counting my blessings for surviving such a disaster, I CHOSE to snap out of it.
Chin up mama! I can feel in your words you are doing all the right things. xoxo
Just thank you for this. You are an inspiration. Holding u up during this crazy time!
Thanks everyone!
Betty – I thought about everyone on the east coast (and other places) and really tried to humble myself in this situation. It could always be worse – so I’m thankful for my busy life. Crazy kids and all!