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Birth of the Belly Ball

February 7, 2017

For years I struggled with bloating, whether it was from my latest sugar binge, upcoming period, love for beer or inability to efficiently process fake sugar, lactose or certain vegetables. The discomfort of a distended belly and internal queasiness often influenced a poor attitude and ultimately my painful day. The only relief I had was when I laid flat on my back, with my body in a relaxed, elongated position and a heavy object was placed on tender areas of…

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Living with No Regrets

February 1, 2016

I started my fitness career at 24 hour fitness. It was a new gym, just a few miles away from my parent’s home in Elk Grove, CA. Since I never played a sport, as a non-athlete, I always depended on workout videos and group classes for my fitness regimen. I had my first gym membership at a Racquet club at 14 and began volunteering as an aerobics instructor in my high school class at 16. When this beautiful, state-of-the-art gym…

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Happy BOOK Birthday

March 7, 2015

March 10, 2015 I’ve waited a long time for this single day. From the moment I was first published at 11 years old for an honorable mention about an injured bird, to the day I won second for a poem about changing the world titled, “One Day”, in 8th grade, I knew, I wanted to be a published author. I would write short stories, create small screenplays (that I acted with my siblings) and even send queries out to literary…

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The Secret To Success

June 17, 2014

June 16, 2014 I wrote my first book in 3rd grade. I distinctly remember taking colorful paper from my father’s printer, cutting it in half, folding then stapling it together. I wrote and illustrated twelve pages and sold them for .75 to my classmates. While I sold a few I didn’t get officially published until I reached 6th grade for a poem I wrote about an injured dove and again in 8th grade for another poem about social change. I…

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Failing Faster.

August 15, 2013

August 15, 2013 You know when you get pushed down and get back up? Then you get pushed down again and find the strength to move forward, but then you get pushed again, then again, and again – and you’re just ….tired? That’s how I feel right now. I’ve always seen business as a ballgame. Mind you, I’ve never played a sport in part because I’m scared of the ball, but mainly because I am more of an individual player.…

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The Ethics of Elderly Care

February 5, 2013

February 4, 2013 I never thought I would be in the elderly care business. Growing up my father worked for the San Francisco Police Dept and my mother was a state worker. While we had a fair upbringing, my ambitious mother always yearned for more. I watched her entrepreneurial efforts working as a consultant for various multi-level marketing business’ but it wasn’t until she finally pursued her goal of opening her own business when our family began to flourish. I…

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Living a focused life.

September 26, 2012

September 24, 2012 For the past couple weeks I’ve been working on my new product, attending meetings and embracing the overwhelming response to the picture of me and my boys. While I wanted to engage in the organic process as the photo made its way through various pages and blogs, I couldn’t fully because my life was already too occupied. I rarely get on the computer for long durations after the boys are awake and am busy until their bedtime…

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“I CAN!!!”

September 12, 2012

I have rules about my writing. I don’t write when I’m stressed or angry. I don’t write during the daytime or when the boys are awake. I don’t write about negative thoughts. Most of all, I don’t write just to write…if I miss a week or two, I will do exactly that because writing isn’t something forced. Writing is a creation of thought, a manifestation of your inner soul displaying itself for the world to read. So I haven’t been…

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The Instinct of Fear

January 20, 2012

January 19, 2012 Every time I get nervous, my left eye starts to water. I swear there is a nerve that connects my eye to the anxious lobe in my brain. As I was sitting at News10 studio this morning, I regretted not bringing a tissue to irrigate the water swelling the inside of my left eye. I was in the waiting area because I was asked to be an expert guest on their morning show to discuss kids and…

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Planning for opportunities.

January 13, 2012

January 12, 2012 I don’t get on my computer much. If I’m able to access any online connection, it’s through my cell phone, which I am able to use sometimes as I’m nursing or in-between tasks. Right now it’s nearly 11pm, the baby is sleeping and while I should be sleeping also, I can’t. I have to complete payroll, send out invoices, return emails and update my sites. I am not working too much after giving birth (especially compared to…

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