January 23, 2007
Our world is full of energy: both positive and negative. Friends absorb and give you energy – because they have an open heart to receive
it. Then there are people and things that literally ‘drain’ your energy – because they close channels of energy moving back to their heart.
In this past week I’ve emailed, called, texted, visited and messaged old and new friends to ‘get connected’ once again.
I realized that after many strenuous months battling in ‘the field’ I needed to centralize my ‘force’ in order to regain the power needed to
combat negative thoughts, challenging projects and disagreeable people.
I realize that in our daily battles, we are lone fighters – but when we feel fatigued from our personal contest, we need to re-fuel with common soldiers who understood the bloodshed of living with passion and consciousness to be a positive spirit in this world.
In speaking with them – I begin to heal for I don’t have to ‘worry’ if I’m rude, frustrated, angry, annoyed or tired they empathize and can see true and sincere intentions behind my semi-foul language, tardiness and cut throat attitude regarding ‘putting up’ with anything that distracts, demoralizes or decreases our energy in our daily lives.
Today I realize that I had a lot of pent up anger from too many expectations, too many new commitments and too many changes in my new phase of life. In dealing with it, I decided to took that ball of energy and I disseminated it amongst all my friends whom I knew would absorb my pain and allow me to transform it into a positive attitude and action.
Last night before I quickly dozed off to sleep, I knew I had a lot of feelings trapped in my soul that I know needed to expel. I couldn’t put my finger on it – and so I began writing…and in the course of writing, I began to ‘let go.’
I began with one word – then expanded on why I resonated deeply with that word.
I thought about taking one action – then expanded on why I needed to move in that direction.
I dreamt of one goal – then expanded on why I chose to dream of that vision today.
It is key to stop, reflect, and re-design your course of direction after every push in life’s mountain. Most importantly, it is key to always
re-visit where you’ve traveled in order to provide new perspective in a journey that will require modification.
This past weekend I felt an intense need to re-map my life plan and create a new blueprint based upon all the life changes and new
revelations that occurred in these last months. While doing so, I re-calculated my personal fortitude to achieve these new heightened
goals by adjusting strength measured – by multiplying my energy with the power of all friends combined. I am a force with them – as they are a force with me. While divided physically, in spirit we are all on the same team.
Friends are more than movie dates, club go’ers and gossipers – friends are people who you share a loving and human exchange of
continuous support, guidance and love. Thank you to all those who emailed me during the re-construction of fitnesscure. It meant sooo much to hear from you…you will never know how much. So Thank You.
Journal Pictures: January 22, 2007
Very, very tired! At a coffee shop (no make up y’all!) with Dan Thompson: Chaplain, Community Leader and City Council Member.
I have identical red scars or ‘battle wounds’ on both shoulders from a
exercise band slapping me when I was performing tricep extensions
using a door during a home workout! That hurt!!!
Currently reading this book, Knowing God,
given by an inspirational PE Teacher, Brad, who I met for the first
time on Saturday after almost a year of email discussions on religion
and faith. Thank you Brad!