Yearly Archives


a Fearless Commitment.

September 21, 2007

September 20, 2007 Yesterday we had our first Board of Directors meeting for the fitness nonprofit I am founding.  Founding a non profit is similar to starting a business. There are paperwork, tax documents, business plans, bylaws, directors and money involved. Most of all, there’s a lot of commitment, passion, focus and self-drive. While my history has proven that I hardly lacked juice in the self-drive department, I whole heartedly admit that my drive is fueled by faith from a…

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Seeds of Intention.

September 14, 2007

September 13, 2007 Monday was a difficult day for me. A wave of negative energy hit me like a lightning strike and immobilized my ability to drive, to write, even to stay awake. My mind was clouded by a sober coil of confusion and calamity. I almost had an accident 4 times.  I even walked into the house with the keys in the car, while the car was still running! Midday, I fell into a deep slumber after releasing suppressed…

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September 12, 2007

September 11, 2007 On September 11, the strongest nation in the world was attacked by human bodies inside commercial airlines and then our whole world changed. I was staying with my parents during summer break and was working as a first-time trainer (my goal that summer was to become a kick boxing instructor, instead I became a trainer!) I was 20 years old completing my double majors in International Relations, Asian History, and minor in Political Science at UC Davis.…

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My Body.

September 9, 2007

September 8, 2007 Last night I visited my sisters new house and while Christine began preparations for dinner, naturally, I ended up making the spaghetti dinner for my niece and nephew. I wasn’t planning on eating a moderate portion of pasta, nor was I expecting temptation from freshly baked brownies for dessert. Yet while I sat on the kitchen floor in communion with those little kids, I savored each bite, I ingested every giggle and I absorbed all the loving…

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103 Things about Me.

September 4, 2007

September 4, 2007 Hope y’all had an awesome Labor Day weekend! After some invitations to Vegas and Frisco, I decided to go to a Christian Conference down in LA! I will update my journal by Thursday! In the meantime, late Sat. night I posted a fun list: ‘103 things you didn’t know about me’ since self exploration and public revelation has been an everlasting joint topic of mine. I also ask that you keep Ruth Putney in your prayers. She…

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Fearing who you are.

August 30, 2007

August 29, 2007 I snuggled up with Tiger underneath a star-less Monday night, waiting patiently for our moon to pass the earth’s shadow. At around 3am I witnessed the moon turn a reddish hue, the sound of all living creatures rose and became more alive. When the night darkened from the loss of its light, I saw a blanket of bright stars revealing its brilliance in the absence of its moon.  Incredible. This past weekend I also attended the California…

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unpredictable revelations

August 20, 2007

August 14, 2007 As I warmly greeted my sister Christine as she arrived at Angels birthday party Saturday night, it took me approximately .067 seconds to notice the diamond rock on her left hand.  My sisters engaged! Actually, allow me to re-phrase that, my younger sister is engaged. Most people in my past and especially former boyfriends are stunned when I reveal that Im still not hitched. Interesting since I always imagined being a young mother and wife. However, my…

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your life mentor..

August 8, 2007

August 7, 2007 Saturday night I fell asleep laying on my stomach with my head buried in one of the 20 books sprawled throughout my bed.  Ive been in information mode lately especially since I’m venturing into new territories and am trying to prepare myself for the journey ahead. I am living in a winter, absorption season right  for my internal spring to bear fruits in the upcoming months. Our total being is based upon seasons: seasons in our days,…

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spiritual gifts.

July 25, 2007

July 25, 2007 Woah. I feel so exhausted right now. This past weekend was spent at the LA NPC Show where I was able to spend quality time with very special people.  I was also able to catch up with new and old friends whom I feel so blessed to know and admire. Currently I feel so absorbed with thoughts, ideas, experiences and emotions that it’s really hard for me to write when I’m in learning mode.  For the last…

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my confessions

July 18, 2007

July 16, 2007 I had a crazy, busy weekend which included a soccer game, a comedy show, an AIDS walk and quality time spent with very special people. Today I am feeling melancholy. That is honestly the best word I could find to manifest how I feel right now. These last couple years of public entries have been an interesting adventure While I talk about events and feelings, I rarely expound on my private life. Over the years, in personal…

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